Record of changes made to the project.
- Added a window as light source
- Added "Tweet this" link to diagram pages
- Adding a preview box for object thumbnails
- The "Community" section now use Ajax for members specific menu to allow caching of public contents
- Added new objects: sun, flowers, softbox above a subject
- Pro version is now becoming standard.
- the objects from the PSD sheet are now integrated as part of the 'OLDC Pro' not yet available. The Pro version will include more features: more objects, more rotation steps...
- improving community section with cache optimization + a Ajax members navigation menu.
- extracting the objects from the new PSD
- creating a script that uses ImageMagick to create rotated versions of the objects.
- first tests of a search engine for the community section.
- release of the preview version of the community section of the website.
- release of the first version of the Lighting Diagram Sheet for Photoshop
- I'm quite happy with InkScape, it's a free but yet very powerful vector editor for both Mac OS and Windows. Here is a preview of the new set of lighting objects , or with white beams and grey background , or with grey beams and white background ...
- starting to learn how to use InkScape vector editor to start designing a new set of objects
- Uploading a new design to the website
- fixing export issue with IE
- On the development version: in the knowledge database, you can add a comment to a diagram. Each comment can be assigned a rating from -2 to +2. You can submit your own related shot (photo taken using the same lighting setup).
- On the development version: added a custom eZ Publish trigger to auto-update the diagram image when the object is sent for publishing.
- On the development version: support for EXIF information.
- On the development version: it's getting quite exciting now, the DB to hold the details for a lighting diagram is completed and the template to display those details is also done: see the screenshot .
- On the development version: save a diagram to your online profile. You add title, description, result and test shots...
- On the development version: added 2 new objects (tungsten bulb and white wall)
- On the development version: added a script to load sub images of an object (rotated versions) when it is first added to a diagram. This speeds up the display of the image when it is rotated.
- On the development version: new graphical interface added: see the screenshot .
- On the development version: few fixes including missing mic-3, mic-30 and mixer images and re-developing the positioning algorithm of the default diagram.
- On the development version: ability to clear the diagram to start from scratch.
- Added PNG export for better image quality and smaller file size.
- Change of the website's address for the tool as more features are going to be added.
- Newly added object now will appear on the diagram layout instead of outside of it.
- Added a new set of Nikon gears
- Reorganizing the objects into categories.
- Permission granted from NandoStudio for sound icons.
- The rotation button has changed into two ones: clockwise and anti-clockwise.
- Some debugging done for IE. Still some issue with PNG transparency with IE6.
- Added a new button to generate a bookmarkable URL to save/share your diagram without saving as a JPEG.
- You can now, finally, save diagrams into JPEG files: combines javascript to generate the object lists along with coordinates, rotation angle and layer assignments and PHP code to build the JPEG image.
- It is now possible to embed the tool on an external website with an iFrame code. But this is not released yet.
- new control buttons added to the control bar: move the object and duplicate the object. In FireFox, moving the object by dragging the move button will solve the little moving behaviour problem.
- the control bar is now on the image and will appear whenever the mouse is hovering on the object not just on the control bar location.
- Extraction and generation of open source image set from antic_eye
- Generation of image for sound engineering. Some images are pending for approval from their author.
- Extraction and generation of umbrella and v-card sets from Don's PSD
- Kevin Kertz denied the permission to use his PSD content
- Don Giannatti send me his own PSD to use for the tool
- Extraction and generation of few objects from Don's PSD
- Re-export the PNG file of the "Model". The background wasn't transparent in the previous version.
- Publishing the beta version.
- Use of Kevin Kertz 's Lighting Diagram PSD file: extracting each object and generate a library of rotated version of each object as PNG files.
- Use of Ajax code from Matthias Hertel for moving HTML DIV objects.
- Use of a Javascript code found here .
- Adding rotation + layer switching feature to each object.
- Create an eZ Publish extension ezlightingdiagram to integrate the tool within my website: module view + template override to use in a node.