Online Lighting Diagram Creator for photographers
Photography lighting diagrams made easy with this online tool: use the drop down menus, select objects, drag them, rotate them, change their layers then export your diagram to JPEG or save its URL.
v3 beta is now public with iPad support, it includes ability to add notes.

Your donation is greatly appreciated.
A minimum donation of $10 USD is asked for each commercial project (except the use on a photographer website, blog or gallery). For more detail please contact me .
The Online Lighting Diagram Creator is a personal project that requires a lot of resources to be developed and maintained. But I believe in the strength of a community when everyone contributes to the knowledge of the group that is why I want to make this tool available free of charge to all non-commercial projects.
If you use the OLDC and are happy with it, I'd love if you would consider donating. Donations help keep the updates coming, pay for hosting, and help pay for the time spent maintaining and improving the tool. Donations are entirely voluntary but are greatly appreciated.
Known issues :
- You can now export to JPEG and generate a URL that allows you to bookmark your diagram.
- The tool have some display problem on IE6 due IE's PNG bug, but the JPEG export should work fine. Firefox's bug with moving objects by dragging them is solved by adding a "move" icon, dragging it will make FireFox not sticking the object when the mouse button is released.
- On IE8, be sure to click on the Compatibility button next to the URL field at the top of the browser. This will reload the page and allow you to move the various camera/flash/bg icons onto the worksheet (John Matthieu).